Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart, BCC, PCC
Welcome Spiritual Travelers

Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart, BCC, PCC
Connect more deeply with your Divine Source and discover your deepest, most authentic self. Make time to pause, to breathe, to rest in the Heart of God...
Explore where you being called in this time of uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Where is God in this chapter of your story? What does the world need of you now? What are your soul's deepest desires?
Journey beyond limitation and embrace the Possible! Discover new ways of thinking, being, and responding, and don't let fear or apathy limit your future!
Build flexibility, courage, and resilience! Take my ICF-accredited course, Transformational Coaching (Feb 4-June 17, 2025), and earn 40 CCEUs while you develop new skills, engage in spiri
Journey beyond limitation and embrace the Possible! Discover new ways of thinking, being, and responding, and don't let fear or apathy limit your future!
Build flexibility, courage, and resilience! Take my ICF-accredited course, Transformational Coaching (Feb 4-June 17, 2025), and earn 40 CCEUs while you develop new skills, engage in spiritual renewal, or collect coaching education hours toward ICF's ACC Portfolio Path. I also offer Individual and Group Coach Mentoring for credentialing purposes and, as an ICF Assessor, can provide feedback regarding recorded coaching sessions.
Imagine yourself into Wellness;
let your images guide and heal you. Use imagery to manage pain and prepare for unpleasant medical procedures; let your images help you resolve difficult issues and discern "next steps."
Discover how imagery can guide you to a healthier, happier future! Now is the time for creative thinking!
Read contemporary Scripture Reflections based on the Sunday liturgical readings.
Browse through my books on Imagery and Healing, Scripture, Theology, Poetry and Spirituality. And, yes, I also offer Writing Coaching and can guide you through your own writing journey!
Unlocking Epiphany Moments: A Primer for Life Coaches and Other Inner Guides
In production at Collective Ink, UK.
Watch my Scripture Commentaries and videos on Spiritual Direction, Life Coaching, Spirituality, and other topics. My most recent video features my presentation for WBECS-Coaching.com's
Coach Showcase:
Unlocking Epiphany Moments in Coaching: How to Shift Perspectives!